Starship Reckless journeys through science, space exploration, culture, history, language, literature and their myriad intersections. Its founder is Athena Andreadis, author of The Biology of Star Trek, a molecular biologist who investigates brain function (Harvard BA '77, MIT PhD '84). She has also published stories, poems and essays and is the engine behind The Other Half of the Sky, a widely acclaimed space opera anthology.
Site friends who are writers are welcome to post essays or story chapters and archive their stories (or excerpts). Brief guidelines are at the Site Rules. Friends who are artists are equally welcome to create galleries for their art.

"I saw... an enormous moon over a barren landscape. Bits of it fell, fell like bright flakes. Where they hit, the ground smoked, then turned to ash. In its light I could make out a large cat limping ahead of its long shadow, stars shining right through the pelt. I ran to catch up, but it disappeared over a rise. When I reached the rise, all I saw were human tracks, and they were bloody, the blood black in the moonlight.
Then I heard a whisper, a word I do not know—‘te’héyn...’—and it felt like a blow and a caress at the same time."
Embers, excerpt (Author: Athena Andreadis; Artist: Kathryn Stella)