Astrogator's Logs

New Words, New Worlds
Artist, Heather Oliver             

Perchance to Dream

I’ve neglected my online home for a slew of reasons; the absence made my heart sore.

The sky is clear tonight, the Moon, Mars and Jupiter burn brightly near the beacons of Orion and his faithful hounds. A sight that lends me strength to tackle the New Year.

Pity is not your forte.
Calmly you ache up there
pinned aloft in your crow’s nest,
my speechless pirate!

— from Orion, by Adrienne Rich


4 Responses to “Perchance to Dream”

  1. Christopher Phoenix says:

    Hello Athena, I saw your invitation to rejoin our merry little band just this morning. I’ve very much missed your presence, and am thrilled to see you return!

    I’ve been absent from my usual haunts for many years as well. The unexpected, nearly simultaneous passing of both my father and grandmother thrust me and my mother into chaotic waters. We have yet to come to rest on friendly shores, though we hope to find ourselves sailing in less choppy seas this year.

    My current occupation requires me to closely follow the changing positions of the stars, constellations, and planets. I am very happy to see the Hunter in our evening skies again… and M42 of course.

    Returning here feels like resting awhile by a familiar, friendly hearth, and I am eager to see what you get up to in 2023.

  2. Athena says:

    Dear Christopher, I’m delighted we’ve reconnected, though so sorry to hear about the awful losses. I lost my beloved dad, too, and I don’t think I’ll ever entirely stop grieving over him. But we can rest here, and talk around the tiny bonfire. Have you seen Mars and Jupiter lately, near Orion and the waxing Moon? Bright, bright celestial candles.

  3. Eleni says:

    This is where I first came to know you, Athena! I will be glad to see you resume posting in this space. <3

  4. Athena says:

    Dear Eleni, it’s true! And such amazing things have come from that encounter.