Astrogator's Logs

New Words, New Worlds
Artist, Heather Oliver             

Archive for December, 2019

The Year of Few Blog Posts

Tuesday, December 31st, 2019

It has been a busier-than-usual year, and the blog fell by the wayside back in April — though I intend to remedy that in 2020, regardless of who still reads it.  The Starship Reckless site also had to go through a major mandatory update of its PHP which necessitated a huge amount of invisible but demanding tinkering (my heartfelt thanks to Carlos Ramirez, whose formidable skill and meticulous care made a perfect transition possible).

Because this year is also the end of a decade, people are doing lengthy reviews.  I won’t do that. Instead I’ll share a post by one of the authors of my tiny press, Christine Lucas, whose haunting collection Fates and Furies just appeared. It’s all there: the dreaming and striving that make or move worlds.

Goodbye, 2019, and thanks for all the stories

“Warmth and comfort are yokes for us.
We chose thorns, shoals and starlight.
We vowed ourselves irrevocably to battle.
We will die exiles, mercenaries to strangers,
Having seen and dreamed imperishable beauty.”

— Athena Andreadis, “Mid-Journey”